How to stay on top of what technology your kids are using

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How to stay on top of what technology your kids are using | Kids in the House
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How to stay on top of what technology your kids are using

So I’ve parents approach me all the time and say, “Theresa, this is what you do for a living. You’re on top of all these sites; you know where the action is. But how do I stay on top of it? How do I know what’s hot what’s not with my kids? And how do I even know how to use them, so I could give my kids good advice? We didn’t grow up with this stuff – it doesn’t come with a rule book.” And so, a lot of times, I’ll tell parents, “It’s really simple. And it’s actually really fun. You actually sit down with your kid and say, ‘Hey, I heard something about this Pintrest. I want to look up some recipes – how would I do that? Can we figure that out together?’ ‘I heard something about Instagram. Do you think that would be a great site that we could use to share photos with gram?’” And to actually get them to teach you and show you – now you have something in common that you can do together and you sort of take away that you’ve-got-to-know-everything type of attitude with your kids and they’ll open up to you and show you what they’re using. So another great way to keep on top of this, besides sitting down side-by-side and sharing this information together, is just go to your favorite search engine, type in “Top sites for kids – comma – and your kid’s age” and what’s going to pop up is a list of latest top sites for kids. Reason being lots of companies track these, because they’re trying to market to your kids. But this will be a great tool for you as well. And as soon as you see on there names that you don’t recognize, go back and talk to your kids about those sites, have them show them to you. Have them be your tour guide to the Internet – it’s the best way to keep on top of things.

See Theresa M. Payton's video on How to stay on top of what technology your kids are using...


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Theresa M. Payton

National Cyber Security Expert

Theresa Payton is a well-known and highly respected national authority on cybersecurity, e-crime and fraud mitigation, and technology implementation. She has over twenty years of advanced business and security technology expertise and leadership at the highest levels of government and in the financial services industry, including being the first woman to serve as Chief Information Officer at the White House.  She is a wife and mother to three fabulous and fun kids.  She is also the co-author of the newly released book Protecting Your Internet Identity: Are You Naked Online? and the founder of the S.A.F.E. Kids initiative - a classroom-based, digital safety program.

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