Issues encountered during home birth

Stephanie Caspian explains an issue that she encountered during her home birth and how having a midwife with her during her home birth was able to help resolve the pr
Home Birth Information - Common Issues Faced During Home Birth
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Issues encountered during home birth

During my first home birth, I did have one interesting issue appear. Let´s see. My midwife had just told me a story for some reason about a woman who had a baby with a short umbilical cord and as a result the birth was kind of slow. And that kind of happened for my first birth. My son was over eight pounds, 22 inches long, and it turned out that his umbilical cord was short. And the birth was a little bit slower than she had expected. And once he finally came down the birth canal, she realized that the umbilical cord was kind of short. I also had kind of a large placenta. And that also needed a little bit of massaging. The placenta did not detach immediately. So she just does this lovely fun massage and it is not pretty or fun. It hurts probably more than the birth. But it actually releases the placenta. So sometimes you can have this quirky experience but it is necessary. If the baby was coming out too fast, it is not really healthy. You don´t want that umbilical cord to detach.

Stephanie Caspian explains an issue that she encountered during her home birth and how having a midwife with her during her home birth was able to help resolve the pr


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Stephanie Caspian

Preschool Director and Mom

Stephanie Caspian owns a child-directed preschool and daycare called Maple Tree where they practice nonviolent communication (NVC). She lives in Santa Monica with her husband and three boys. Stephanie is the president of the board of Manhattan Beach Nursery School and an assistant den leader for the Cub Scouts for Boy Scouts of America. Her spiritual practice is Nichiren Buddhism in the Soka Gakkai and she dedicates her spare time to the SGI-USA, an international organization that promotes peace, culture and education in the community.

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