Identifying family needs before hiring a nanny

Learn about: Identifying family needs before hiring a nanny from Lindsay Heller, PsyD,...
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Identifying family needs before hiring a nanny

The most important step a family should take in hiring their nanny is to identify their family’s needs. These are unique to your family. You’re family is different form any other family and the first step is to find out sort of what are those things that make your family who they are and you know, finding the right person to fit into that family. This is important because you need to know what you’re looking for before you start looking. Secondly, I would say that the most important thing to do is a background check. Background checks are easily accessible through online resources – you can google it, find it. You can pay $50 and get all sorts of background checking done, including state and sort of national based background checks. Also checking references. Sometimes this gets overlooked, especially if you really love the candidate. You think there couldn’t possibly be anything wrong with this person. Really important to call those other families from her past and see what they think about her. If somebody is gushing about her, they love her. If they’re tight-lipped, I’d pay attention to that.

Learn about: Identifying family needs before hiring a nanny from Lindsay Heller, PsyD,...


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Lindsay Heller, PsyD

Psychologist, The Nanny Doctor

Lindsay, known as The Nanny Doctor, has been working with families and their nannies for more than a decade. In addition to being a licensed clinical psychologist, Lindsay was a well-respected nanny for over 10 years in both the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas. Now, through her nanny consulting services, Lindsay works in conjunction with families and their agencies to provide a unique specialized service to help each family in finding the best possible match for their family. She aids, not only in the interview and hiring process, but also with the important transition of introducing a new person into the household. She stands firmly beside each of her clients throughout their journey and custom tailors a plan of action for each individual family. No nanny issue is too big or small! Her team is excited to be working with her and are happy to offer every family they work with a complimentary hour of her services!


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