When an au pair isn't working out

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When an au pair isn't working out | Kids in the House
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When an au pair isn't working out

What happens if the au pair isn't working out? Well, it's happened to us so I can tell you if the au pair doesn't work out, what usually happens is you first sit down with them and you say, "Hey, we don't think this is working out." If they want to stay, they will say, "I want to stay and I really want to do this." Eventually, if you agree that it doesn't work out and it's not the best for your children that they remain with your family, then you contact the agency that you hired them. They will try and find another family to see if somebody else is interested. They will stay on with you and help out. If they don't find another family, then they get shipped back to whatever country they came from. In the meantime, once you've figured out that au pair isn't working for you, you are searching for another one. You're back online having dialog with other au pairs that is going to be a better fit for your family. You bring them in and, hopefully, it all works out.

Watch Neil Tardio's video on When an au pair isn't working out...


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Neil Tardio


Neil Tardio is a Los Angeles based director whose work spans across commercials, music videos, television/web series, and screenwriting.  He has won numerous awards including four Cannes Lions, four Clios, two London Art Directors Awards, 12 Addys, and 30 Tellys, exceeding more than 100 honors. His spot "Joint Man", for A Partnership with a Drug Free America, was nominated for an Emmy.

After graduating from Boston University, Tardio began his career as an agency producer and writer for such agencies as Saatchi & Saatchi and DDB/Chicago before launching into a full time directing career. Tardio’s first assignment as a director was to create the 1992 Peabody Award winning “Rock The Vote” special for Madonna.

Tardio went on to direct 32 episodes of a children’s sports program called PE TV, which aired on channel 1, and then ESPN.  He co-created and directed the web series, Lifeisode.   Tardio has directed music videos for numerous acts, most notably for The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Queen Latifia.  His original screenplay, Son of Santa, was sold to United Artists and he is currently writing a television series with Mitch Hurwitz. Tardio is attached to direct the feature film ShortCut Man based on the critically acclaimed novel by  P.G. Sturges.  

Tardio’s work packs the double whammy - funny and award winning. Now at Third Street Mining Company, his work exhibits realistic characters, witty style, and an attention to detail that exemplifies the highest standard of commercial work. He recently finished major successful campaigns for ESPN, Coke, AT&T, Volkswagen, Virgin, Budweiser, and Burger King to name a few.

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