What to do if your child has been poisoned

Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares advice for parents on what you should do if your child has been poisoned or come in contact with a poisonous substance
What To Do If You Child Has Been Poisoned - Kids Health Tips
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What to do if your child has been poisoned

One of the most common questions we receive as medical doctors and toxicologists is whether or not we should be doing something for the child before the child receives medical attention for poisoning. We used to provide a substance called Syrup of Ipecac for all homes. This was to be given to children when they took a toxic ingestion with the prospect that they will vomit out the contents of their stomach and potentially reduce the risk from poisoning. What we have found over the decades, that all the scientific research has looked at this particular product has shown that it has never actually improved the symptoms of poisoning and, in fact, in some cases, has lead to excess injury as a result of misuse. These days we say, let's not use a substance like that, that doesn't have any scientific merit. The best thing for a parent to do when a child is poisoned at home, remain calm, make sure the child is calm, and make sure that the child receives medical attention for poisoning.

Medical Toxicologist Cyrus Rangan, MD, shares advice for parents on what you should do if your child has been poisoned or come in contact with a poisonous substance


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Cyrus Rangan, MD

Medical Toxicologist, Poison Control

Cyrus Rangan, MD, is a pediatrician and medical toxicologist. Cyrus serves as the Assistant Medical Director with the California Poison Control System and medical toxicology consultant for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Over 70% of the calls received at the center are able to stay at home and avoid a visit to the hospital, based on the over-the-phone support of the center. Cyrus is also the father of two boys, age seven and four, with whom he enjoys practicing Kung Fu. 

Poisons, Poisons, Poison, Poison
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