Explanation of autism

Sarah Clifford Scheflen, Speech Language Pathologist, explains autism and the autism spectrum.
Explanation of autism | Kids in the House
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Explanation of autism

Autism is a spectrum of developmental disorders. It ranges from low functioning to high functioning. So not all children are the same. You may have a low functioning child who's more impacted, he might not have any language, to a higher functioning child who may just have difficulties in social communication. Most people with autism have difficulties with behaviors, speech and language and social communication that impacts their ability to interact with other people.

Sarah Clifford Scheflen, Speech Language Pathologist, explains autism and the autism spectrum.


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Sarah Clifford Scheflen, MS, CCC-SLP

Speech Language Pathologist

Sarah Cilfford Scheflen, MS, CCC-SLP is a pediatric clinical speech–language pathologist who specializes in working with children with autism and other developmental disorders. She works exclusively with children, primarily between the ages of 12 months to eight years.

Sarah is the founder of Scheflen Speech–Language Pathology, Inc., her private practice in Santa Monica, California, as well as the co-founder (together with autism advocate Jenny McCarthy) of Teach2Talk, LLC, a producer of quality educational products including video–modeling DVDs that teach children a variety of skills including appropriate behavior, social skills, play and language. 

She is also the senior speech–language pathologist on staff at an intensive partial–hospitalization program for autism located at a major public research university located in Los Angeles, California, where Sarah has provided therapy to hundreds of children with autism spectrum disorders and conducted research into various treatment modalities. 

Sarah is a frequent speaker and guest lecturer, and her research focuses on teaching play, social skills and language to children through video modeling.

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