When you first learn your child has autism

Watch Video: When you first learn your child has autism by Debi Cox, ...
When you first learn your child has autism | Kids in the House
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When you first learn your child has autism

When I first found out that my son had Autism, I was blindsided. I knew there was something going on that was different, but he didn't have the stereotypical Autism behaviors. He didn't flap his hands. He made eye contact. He was verbal. I was looking for these red flags that I didn't see. When someone said, "Autism," it blindsided me. I was devastated. But now knowing Autism, this label, I know what to do with Autism. I know I can reach out to this community. I can reach out to this website. I can read this book. I have some idea of what services to get. Now I have a better understanding of it and I appreciate it now.

Watch Video: When you first learn your child has autism by Debi Cox, ...


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Debi Cox

Stay at Home Mom

Debi is a mom to two wonderful boys, ages seven and four. She lives in Culver City, CA and is a stay at home mom. Debi spends a good deal of her time caring for her seven year old high-functioning autistic son. She enjoys family time with her husband and boys, bike riding, yoga and swimming.  

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