Ways to stop bullying and stand up to harassment

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Ways to stop bullying and stand up to harassment | Kids in the House
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Ways to stop bullying and stand up to harassment

If you have a child that is being bullied or sexually harassed at their school, there are many things they can do to stand up for themselves. The first thing I would do is, compliment them for coming to you to talk to you directly about what's happening with them. That means you are doing a really good job of having open communication with your child and making them feel safe. You can tell them they can stand up directly to the harasser or the bullier or whatever. In order to do that I would tell them to get really specific about what the harasser did that they didn't like. "Don't ever call me that again. That really hurt my feelings." Standing up tall, looking them in the eye, having body language that represents the way they are feeling about what happened to them. Another thing that you can do is have them write a letter to the school or the principle and reporting it anonymously. A lot of schools have a bully box or something where they can drop a letter and nobody will know who reported it. Or they can go directly to an adult in their school that maybe helpful for them. You can offer to go and speak them yourself. Give the child the choice.

Watch Meg Newman, MS, LMFT's video on Ways to stop bullying and stand up to harassment...


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Meg Newman, MS, LMFT


Meg Newman is a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in Venice and Tarzana CA. Meg is also a mother and stepmom. Meg has worked as a therapist with children and teens focusing on a variety of issues concerning anxiety, eating disorders, body image, substance abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. Meg is native to Los Angeles and loves spending time with family, as well as snowboarding as often as possible.

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