What teens want their parents to know

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What teens want their parents to know | Kids in the House
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What teens want their parents to know

One thing we ask all of our teen writers before they start working with us is, "What's the hardest thing about your life? What do you worry about most?" Most parents are surprised to learn, that most teenagers are very worried about what their parents think about them. When we ask teenagers, "What would be the one thing you want your parents to know." A lot of them say, even though we're rolling our eyes, even though we have a snarky attitude, we really are listening to you. We're just too afraid to tell you that we are paying attention.

View Vanessa Van Petten's video on What teens want their parents to know...


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Vanessa Van Petten


Vanessa Van Petten is one of the nation's youngest experts, or 'youthologists' on parenting and adolescents.  She wrote her first parenting book, You're Grounded, from the teen's perspective when she was just 17. After winning the Mom’s Choice Award in 2009, she launched her popular parenting website, RadicalParenting.com, which she now writes with 120 other teenagers to answer questions from parents on everything from communication issues to cyberbullying. Vanessa's unique approach has been featured by CNN, CBS Miami, Fox New York, Wall Street Journal, Teen Vogue, and many more.  She was also on the Real Housewives of Orange County helping the housewives with troubled teens. Her latest book, Do I Get My Allowance Before or After I'm Grounded?  won the Moms Choice Award in 2012. 

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