Confiding about being victimized online

Learn about: Confiding about being victimized online from Randall Devine,...
Confiding about being victimized online | Kids in the House
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Confiding about being victimized online

If your child has been victimized online, the first thing that they should do is come to you. And the first thing that you should do is tell them that they’ve done the right thing. That’s incredibly important. When children get into trouble online with child sex offenders, the first thing they want to do is to not tell anybody which just leads to further victimization. Once the child has come to the adult to say what has happened, again, tell them that they’ve done the right thing and then don’t touch the computer. Report it to the authorities, be that the police department or the FBI. Leave the computer alone. Equally important – a couple of things not to do. Don’t engage in vigilantism. Don’t get online and start telling the person what you really think of them or they have never seen anything like me and I’m going to confront them and they’ll see what the wrath of a mother or a father is like. Because you’re literally stepping right into their world. And it can only lead to bad things and it can complicate matters and it can help to sort of exacerbate the victimization of the child originally. And then frequently, they’re doing it on the very computer that is the evidence of the original crime.

Learn about: Confiding about being victimized online from Randall Devine,...


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Randall Devine

FBI Agent

Randall Devine is a Special Agent with the FBI working in the Los Angeles area. 

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