Helping a child reach their adult potential

Aimee Wheeler knows how important modelling a healthy relationship with your baby is for the rest of your child's growth and development. By explaining the most effective tactics for helping a child reach their highest adult potential.
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Helping a child reach their adult potential

The way you treat your child greatly impacts who they will become as an adult. Helping your child to become securely attached to you is ultimately going to provide them with feelings of internal security, the sense of being loved, understood, respected, and honestly what more could you ask for to feel as an adult. That type of person is going to have a completely different interaction with the world than someone who has had perhaps a very different experience. So it is important to think of who it is that you want your child to be when they are older, the characteristics that you want them to portray and give out to the world. And then, model those for them. If you want your child to be respectful, respect your child. If you want your child to be curious, don´t yell at them when they spill something and want to make a mess out of it all over the floor because that is engaging in their curiosity. Help them explore it. It is already spilled, you are going to have to clean it up anyway. Give them the opportunity to really make a mess and see what it looks like, see how it feels, how they can experience it, etc. So really think of who you consciously want your children to become. Think of how you can foster those characteristics and then model them back. Be the person you hope your child can be.

Aimee Wheeler knows how important modelling a healthy relationship with your baby is for the rest of your child's growth and development. By explaining the most effective tactics for helping a child reach their highest adult potential.


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Aimee Wheeler, PsyD


When her son was born, Aimee found herself in uncharted waters. She knew she wanted to be a different type of parent than her parents had been. After years of self-exploration, she felt she had healed a lot of her childhood emotional wounds and that she could be a good mother but she didn't really know how to parent differently. She went to Mommy and Me classes, breastfeeding groups, you name it, searching to fill a void she initially could not identify. They were all helpful but not what she felt she was longing for. She realized she was looking for a safe place to really talk about the challenges she was facing every day. Unfortunately, it seemed that none of the forums she found as a new mother were able to provide that. She vowed then to create such a place for parents, and the idea for Parenting Discovery Center was born.

Her educational background in psychology had nurtured her tremendous curiosity about the impact and importance of infant attachment. Her research in this area had equipped her with a conscious sieve to help evaluate the overwhelming amount of parenting advice available. What she found was that at a time of total vulnerability, parents are often taught parenting techniques that cause them to unwittingly undermine this important and essential bond. 

The Center provides a safe and supportive environment for exploring the emotions and challenges faced by new parents. They are also here to help peoople understand the importance of attachment and help parents build a conscious bond with their baby based upon their individual family's values and lifestyle. 

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