How to encourage good sportsmanship

Michael Gervais, PhD High Performance Psychologist, shares advice for parents on how to teach and encourage good sportsmanship in your kids
How To Teach Good Sportsmanship To Kids - Parenting Tips
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How to encourage good sportsmanship

Sportsmanship is a funny thing because we have an epidemic in our society of popular culture highlighting the facts that parents are somewhat out of control. They are screaming on the sidelines and they are so involved with their child wanting to be the best and to be the best in the world. And something we know very clearly is that those children who are very talented at a young age tend to not be around that sport long. as a majority. So let's first put things in perspective. We are looking for long-term development for a child, we are looking for years of growth for a lifetime of opportunity to learn. With that perspective, it's very simple to use sport as just a way to understand who you are. How do you deal with mistakes, how do you deal with failures, how do you deal with winning, how do you treat people on a regular basis? And that's the essence of sportsmanship, honoring this idea that we are looking for growth on a regular basis and this is just a way to see how well I am doing.

Michael Gervais, PhD High Performance Psychologist, shares advice for parents on how to teach and encourage good sportsmanship in your kids


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Michael Gervais, PhD

High Performance Psychologist

Dr. Michael Gervais, a licensed psychologist and industry visionary, is a founding partner of Pinnacle Performance Center. He focuses most of his time on people at the "top of their game," from NBA players, to Olympians, to military personnel. Dr. Gervais has a clear understanding of how performers become and consistently excel at a world-class level. Spending years in the trenches of high-stakes circumstances, Dr. Gervais has developed clarity for the tools that allow people to "thrive under pressure."

Dr. Gervais is a published, peer-reviewed author and a nationally recognized speaker on issues related to high performance for those who excel on the largest stages in the world.

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