Getting comfortable with nursing in public

Watch Nicole Peluso, IBCLC, CD's video on Getting comfortable with nursing in public...
Getting comfortable with nursing in public | Kids in the House
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Getting comfortable with nursing in public

Sometimes moms even though it is socially acceptable and they have legal rights to breastfeed in public, sometimes they just do not feel comfortable doing it. And if a mom does not feel comfortable, she should not do it. She should only do what feels comfortable for her in that situation because the baby is going to know if it is an uncomfortable situation for her. And usually there comes a time in every mom´s nursing situation where she does not feel like breastfeeding in bathroom stalls anymore. And that is when she will come out, when she is ready and when she feels comfortable. And moms should not be judged about where they breastfeed or how they breastfeed and luckily most states have laws protecting us to do it where we want and how we want to do it.

Watch Nicole Peluso, IBCLC, CD's video on Getting comfortable with nursing in public...


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Nicole Peluso, IBCLC, CD

La Leche League Leader

Nicole Peluso, IBCLC, CD, has been a lactation consultant and La Leche League Leader since 1997 in Los Angeles and Connecticut. La Leche League is a non-profit organization that serves as the foremost authority on breastfeeding issues throughout the world. Nicole earned her lactation certification from the International Board of Lactation Examiners and earned her doula training through the National Midwifery Institute. She holds a BA in English from Boston College with a concentration in Women’s Studies, studied literature at l'Universite Paris-Sorbonne, and spent her college summers working as a paralegal in a Connecticut law firm.

She has assisted thousands of mothers on their birth and motherhood journeys. She is regularly asked to speak to large groups on parenting issues. Recent speaking engagements include Los Angeles County Health Services, Los Angeles and Culver City Unified School Districts, The Maple Counseling Center Beverly Hills, Los Angeles City College, Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center, The LA Gay and Lesbian Center, and The Los Angeles Airforce Base. She has also been interviewed in a nationally televised segment by Katie Couric on the benefits of co-sleeping with your baby. Nicole is the mother of three children whom she breastfed and parented with attachment parenting techniques. Nicole runs her private lactation practice through The Sanctuary Birth and Family Wellness Center in Los Angeles and her private doula practice through The WOMB in Mar Vista.

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