Friends Videos
Educator, Rachel Simmons, Author of Odd Girl Out, discusses girls' obsession with social media, getting addicted to "likes," and what parents can do about it.
Educator, Rachel Simmons, Author of Odd Girl Out, discusses the Girls Leadership Institute and raising confident girls.
Educator, Rachel Simmons, Author of Odd Girl Out, discusses girls' friendships.
Jennifer Siebel Newsom, MBA talks about how women are taught to compete with each other and the responsibility of parents to end this culture of competition
Author and Bullying Expert Rosalind Wiseman shares advice for parents on how to teach your daughter how to stand up against mean girls and build social confidence
See Liz Laugeson, PsyD's video on Rumor and gossip strategies for adolescents...
View Liz Laugeson, PsyD's video on What to tell your child to make sure they don't get bullied...
Though making friends is an important part of being a child, it doesn’t come easy to everyone. read more
Relationship expert Dr. John Gray gives tips for parents to help kids navigate their first relationships and romantic feelings
Educator, Rachel Simmons, Author of Odd Girl Out, discusses girls' relational aggression and the "silent treatment"
Educator, Rachel Simmons, Author of Odd Girl Out, discusses girls' friendships, bullying, and relational aggression
Michael Pritchard, Humanist & Child Advocate, explains the best ways to teach children conflict resolution and how to get along peacefully with each other
Lauren Sandler, MA, Journalist, and Author, explains whether only children interact best with other only children or with children who have siblings
Percy L. Abram, PhD offers suggestions on how schools can help kids avoid cliques
Learn about: Parenting advice on romantic relationships in elementary school from Wendy Walsh, PhD,...
Relationship & Parenting Expert Wendy Walsh, PhD, shares advice for parents on when its best to stay out of your children's drama and problems
Learn about: Advice when parenting a shy child from Jacqui Boland,...
See Yalda T. Uhls, MBA, PhD 's video on What "close and intimate" means online vs. in person...
Psychologist Laura Markham, PhD, shares advice for parents on the best way to help your child to make friends and develop social skills and emotional regulation
Learn about: Why is my child drawn to the narcissist from Wendy T. Behary, LCSW,...
See Edwin A. Locke, PhD's video on Teaching children about first love...
See Cynthia G. Whitham, LCSW's video on How classes can help kids struggling with social skills...
See Jane Buckingham 's video on Dealing with tweens and the desire for popularity...
How can parents support their child when they have a gay friend? Hear what Lynette Vertoch, mom and entrepreneur has to say about supporting your child and handling... read more
Rosalind Wiseman, Author & Educator, shares advice for parents on how to tell what role your daughter is playing in her social group
Watch Video: Tips to teach daughters to deal with Mean Girls by Rosalind Wiseman , ...
See Rosalind Wiseman 's video on The typical background of a Mean Girl...
Rosalind Wiseman, Author & Educator, discusses how mean girls exist in all ethnic groups and how different ethnic groups can be mean about different issues
Rosalind Wiseman, Author & Educator, shares advice for parents on how to help their daughter handle other girls gossiping, excluding, and following a queen bee
Rosalind Wiseman, Author and Educator, shares advice for parents on tips for teaching your daughter to be independent and not follow a mean girl around
View Rosalind Wiseman 's video on Talking to girls about popularity...
Watch Rosalind Wiseman 's video on What to do when girls are excluded or friendships fall apart...
Watch Michael J. Bradley, EdD's video on Help your daughter deal with an Alpha Girl...
See Michael J. Bradley, EdD's video on When your teen picks bad friends...
Watch Joshua Sparrow, MD's video on Nine-Year Touchpoint: Peers and friends...
Watch Video: Obeying family rules when visiting the homes of friends by Janis Keyser, MA, ...
Learn about: Why relationship matters more to girls than boys from Kelley King,...
Watch Video: Making sure your child's friends are good influences by Ron Sorensen, ...
See Mary Jane Rotheram, PhD's video on Helping your child be a good friend...
Learn about: Good friendships vs. bad friendships from Mary Jane Rotheram, PhD,...
Watch Video: Importance of friends for children and adults by Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD, ...
Melissa Johnson, PhD Adolescent Psychologist, shares advice for parents on the best methods for helping your daughter cope with conflict amongst her friends
Learn about: How to cope with being the target of mean girl behavior from Melissa Johnson, PhD,...
Watch Melissa Johnson, PhD's video on Why girls participate in mean behavior...
Watch Video: Helping your daughter avoid mean girl drama by Melissa Johnson, PhD, ...
View Tim Wheeler's video on How to deal with bad influences...