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Hottest in Hollywood Plaza Magazine


Swedish luxury lifestyle magazine Plaza Magazine just released their big Los Angeles issue where they featured Swedes in LA who have accomplished great things in media and business. Within the magazine is a section that translates to "Hottest in Hollywood" and our CEO, Leana Greene, is featured on the Entrepreneurs list.

The paragraph in Plaza Magazine says in Swedish:

"Grundare av mång-miljonföretaget och hemsidan - världens största filmbibliotek med över 8 000 utbildningsfilmer för föräldrar med barn i alla åldrar. Leane har tidigare varit del av Hollywoods underhållningsindustri som modell, sångare och producent."

English translation:

"Founder of - the world's largest parenting tips video library with over 8,000 videos produced for parents with children of all ages. Leana has also been part of the Hollywood's entertainment industry as a model, singer and producer."