Are online evaluations for dyslexia accurate?

While online dyslexia evaluations might be more convenient in some sense, clinical neuropsychiatrist Sandra K. Loo, PhD, shares the significance of comprehensive dyslexia assessments for children so they can gather all the necessary help and accommodations.
Are online evaluations for dyslexia accurate? | Kids in the House
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Are online evaluations for dyslexia accurate?

Some people would like to use online evaluations for dyslexia primarily because the cost is cheaper. But unfortunately, there are many things that might be missed by an online evaluation. So it's very important to assess all the different component skills that make up reading, and the online evaluations may not be as comprehensive. In addition, it's important to assess other areas of academic achievement, like math and writing, that again, may be missed. And finally, there may be mental health problems such as ADHD or anxiety or depression that can interfere with the implementation of reading interventions that also should be assessed. So there are many things that can be missed by an online evaluation. And then finally, the online evaluations sometimes don't give documentation, they don't give signed reports, and the report signed by a licensed clinical psychologist is what you need in order to obtain educational accommodations both at school and then for standardized testing situations.

While online dyslexia evaluations might be more convenient in some sense, clinical neuropsychiatrist Sandra K. Loo, PhD, shares the significance of comprehensive dyslexia assessments for children so they can gather all the necessary help and accommodations.


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Sandra K. Loo, PhD

Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Dr. Sandra Loo is Director of Pediatric Neuropsychology and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the David Geffen School of Medicine. Dr. Loo is a child clinical psychologist and works clinically in the Medical Psychology Assessment Center and UCLA ADHD Clinics. She specializes in neuropsychological assessment of childhood psychiatric disorders such as ADHD and Dyslexia. Before coming to UCLA, Dr. Loo was director of two outpatient clinics specializing in the diagnostic and neurocognitive assessment of attention and learning disorders at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and the University of Massachusetts where she worked with Dr. Russell Barkley.

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