College applications and dyslexia

As a Pediatric Neuropsychologist and Assistant Professor at UCLA, Sandra K. Loo, PhD, shares everything you need to know about college applications and dyslexia, such as tips about educational accommodations.
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College applications and dyslexia

So when the child with dyslexia applies to college, the diagnosis is private and it´s really a personal choice on the part of the student as to whether to disclose and include that as part of their application or not. If a child requests and receives educational accomodations on standardized testing from the College Board, for example, they are not allowed by law to post on the scores that any type of extra time accomodation or any other accomodation was given during testing.

As a Pediatric Neuropsychologist and Assistant Professor at UCLA, Sandra K. Loo, PhD, shares everything you need to know about college applications and dyslexia, such as tips about educational accommodations.


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Sandra K. Loo, PhD

Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Dr. Sandra Loo is Director of Pediatric Neuropsychology and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the David Geffen School of Medicine. Dr. Loo is a child clinical psychologist and works clinically in the Medical Psychology Assessment Center and UCLA ADHD Clinics. She specializes in neuropsychological assessment of childhood psychiatric disorders such as ADHD and Dyslexia. Before coming to UCLA, Dr. Loo was director of two outpatient clinics specializing in the diagnostic and neurocognitive assessment of attention and learning disorders at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and the University of Massachusetts where she worked with Dr. Russell Barkley.

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