Taking care of yourself after having cancer

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Taking care of yourself after having cancer

When you have cancer, bottom line, you have to take care of yourself. Now is the time for you to rest, nourish your body, take the time to do whatever you feel is right for you. It is not a time to worry about everybody else. Hopefully, you have a strong community around you that are there to help your children and yourself. I took the time to rest every afternoon. I took the time to watch all the movies that I wanted to watch, that I hadn't. I read books. I took long bathes. I meditated. I did tons of Yoga. I breathed; breathing is so important. I believe that our mind is the most powerful tool that we have. If we can stay positive through this process, I think you'll be in good shape.

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Karina J.


Karina J. is a cancer survivor and the mother of two girls, ages eight and 10. Originally from Melbourne Australia, she now lives in Los Angeles where she enjoys hiking, horseback riding, and traveling.

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