Organizing a workplace doesn’t end with moving the desk to the window and putting a new chair. And if the height of the chair is not enough, put a thicker encyclopedia as a seat.
No, for successful studying and health maintenance the workplace at home should be:
- comfortable and functional;
- with adequately selected furniture and a well-thought-out storage system;
- and also aesthetically attractive.
Play and work areas in the student's workplace
Psychologists recommend separating the study and play areas. And although for a child the game is the leading activity, reach an agreement with the child that there is no place for toys in the studying area. Favorite cars, dolls, and the PlayStation will move to the play area so it all will not distract the studying time.
However, you should not go to the other extreme and remove all the usual games and toys from the room of a freshly baked student, because a serious life begins. School is stressful, and the usual things help the child cope with it.
If it is difficult for a child to feel the separation of work and play areas, you can agree that one beloved bear will help him do his homework, sitting next to a lamp or on a shelf. And intellectual board games have the right place in the study area. And it's not just checkers or chess. There are a lot of board games out there these days, from strategy games to math and vocabulary games. Of course, the parent will have to be actively involved in all these intellectual entertainments. In the tablet, the child “kills” the monsters alone, but for board games, you need company.
Choosing and arranging furniture when organizing a student's workplace
First of all, when organizing a workplace, you should consider the correct arrangement of furniture. Most often, parents try to arrange the furniture so that the desk is by the window. This has its advantages:
it makes maximum use of daylight;
the child can be distracted by what is happening outside the window and take a breath between tasks.
When arranging furniture by the window, it is worth considering the child’s dominant hand. By the age of going to school, parents already know which child's hand is dominant. If the child writes with his left hand, we set the desk so that daylight falls on the right, i.e. the table is located on the left side of the room. For right-handers - on the contrary, on the right side.
While sitting at the desk the child should observe an ergonomic body position. With long sitting hunched over, the muscles of the back and neck will quickly get tired, and headaches will begin. It is worth considering the option of a transformer table, i.e. furniture that grows with the child because its height is adjusted according to the height of the child. Material - wood or high-quality plastic. You can find qualitative products at Oren Ellis.
Please note: glue residue, chips, and wood burrs are a sign of a poor-quality product.
For the desk you need to choose the right chair. Making homework is not a matter of three minutes. It happens that the children spend several hours at this.
A comfortable seat and backrest with a lumbar curve that hugs the student's back is a great choice. The presence of armrests is not necessary: with the correct position of the child at the desk, his elbows are located on the table.
An office chair is a good choice. The only drawback is that it rotates, and it is difficult for a child to control the position of the body. But in some models, this function is blocked. The chair should not be too deep. The ideal width of the seat from the coccyx and almost reaching the knees of the child. The height of the furniture must be adjusted so that the desk is at the level of the solar plexus, the knees are bent at a right angle and the feet are on the floor. If the height of the table cannot be adjusted, we adjust the correct position of the child at the desk using the height of the chair. Do not be scared if the child does not reach the floor with his feet, a footrest will come to the rescue.
Proper lighting is the key to healthy vision
School is a time of intensive growth for the child. With the help of rationally selected furniture, parents can take care of his skeleton and posture, and the right choice of lighting will help save his eyesight.
If the area of the room allows and you managed to place the desktop by the window - great, this will allow the child to make the most of natural light, as well as do some eye exercises.
However, it is worth thinking about additional light sources. When you choosing a desk lamp, the following nuances should be taken into account:
The area of the table illuminated by the lamp must correspond to the working surface;
The light should be moderately bright. Because both dim and excessively bright light give an additional load on the child's eyes;
Stable construction. Lamp stability is essential to prevent injury. You don't want the lamp to fall to the floor after every careless movement, do you? Even considering that modern lamps use durable energy-saving lamps or LEDs, it is still dangerous. If there is not enough room on the desk for a lamp on a solid, stable base, wall mounting options may be considered. But it is also worth checking the reliability of fastening.
Sometimes parents do not immediately notice that their already almost adult student has begun to see worse and lose precious time
Organization of the working and storage space
The abundance of new necessary items makes it difficult for the child to maintain order in the work area. In order not to scold a student for a mess in the room, storage systems should be carefully considered before classes begin. This is especially important if the child is going to school without the help of an adult.
Hinged shelves are well suited for organizing the storage of textbooks, where each textbook is in plain sight and the child does not have to look for it for a long time. To make it easy for a child to navigate textbooks, it is better to use transparent covers or choose a color for each textbook. Keep notebooks and stationery conveniently in drawers.
A rational device for creating a workplace and shaping a child's daily routine is a magnetic or cork board. It is convenient to attach a class schedule to it, make the necessary notes, or leave a bright reminder. In the abundance of new unusual information, it is easy for a student to get confused and forget important things, and a note with a cheerful face and a reminder from his mother will help him to be more organized and confident.
Despite the fact that the baby has grown up and has already become a student, he still remains a child. Bright spots of fun accessories will brighten up his school life and make cooking lessons a fun activity.