Parents and guardians have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their kids. Hence, you need to ensure that you protect your kids from hazards that they may encounter while playing outside. Playing outside is beneficial to your kids because it allows them to have fun, breathe fresh air, and exercise. To ensure that they are safe, you must design and maintain your yard in a way that promotes child safety. In this article, we will explore different ways of making your yard safe for kids.
Erect A fence
Erecting a fence around the yard is highly recommended because it makes sure that your kids play within the boundaries. It prevents them from wandering and getting lost. For more emphasis on safety, you can install self-closing gates at the yard's entrance. However, while fencing the play yard, avoid pointed fences so that your kid may not be injured if they fall on it.
Trampoline Or No Trampoline?
Not only do trampolines allow kids to have a lot of fun, but they are also risky. The North American Pediatric Orthopedic Society conducted a study that recorded more than one million people admitted to the emergency room due to trampoline injuries. These injuries involve broken bones making the trampoline one of the unsafe toys for your kids. If you want to have it in your yard, then ensure that not more than one kid is jumping on it at a go. Most accidents happen when more people are jumping on it at once. It is also advisable to check if your homeowner's policy provides for trampoline injuries cover.
Do Away With Poisonous Plants
Suppose poisonous plants are growing in your yard. Look for ways to fully eradicate them because toddlers put everything they find in their mouths. If you cannot fully do away with these poisonous plants, fence and lock that part of the yard to prevent the kids from accessing it. In addition to that, inform your kid that they should not eat anything from plants they are unfamiliar with. You may want to think about setting up a play area with landscape turf for the little one too.
Use Organic Products
Make use of organic products on your yard lawn because chemically produced pesticides could harm your kid's health. Always read and follow instructions carefully for products that you use on your lawn. Children should only play on a treated lawn after a period exceeding 48 hours.
Regular Servicing Of Play Toys
Playing sets are subject to wear and tear. Fix any damaged swings, climbing walls, and miniatures before you let kids play on them. You need to equip your kids with the best Power Wheels for Grass to give them various play options. Go for new toys instead of used toys. The latter have high chances of being worn out hence not safe for your kid. While purchasing play toys, consult with the American Society for Testing and Materials to get up to standard toys.
When To Mow Your Lawn
Avoid mowing the yard's lawn when children are playing. Mowers throw things like stalks of grass, sticks, and stones with a lot of force that may injure the kids. Do let a kid on a driving mower regardless of whether you are driving it or not. It is advisable to have the kids indoors while mowing the lawn.
Always ensure that your children play under the supervision of an adult. It is essential to avoid instances where the kids eat poisonous plants or hurt each other while playing. Moreover, if your yard does not have a fence, you need to supervise the kids to prevent them from wandering. Do not let your kids play near busy streets or allow them to cross alone.
Make Play Safety Rules
Please discuss with your kids the rules that they are expected to observe while playing. You can write down these rules and hang them in a viewable place. Ensure that your kids' playmates are also familiar with the play rules. Examples of safety rules you can set include:
Avoid pushing when climbing walls.
Never eat from a plant without adult permission.
Do not stand on swings.
Place items like bags in the yard to prevent tripping and falling.
Wear sneakers or closed low-heeled shoes while playing.
Avoid loose jewelry or hair that could get stuck in the playing equipment.
Stay within the yard's boundaries.
Ensure Pool Safety
If your kid's play yard has a swimming pool or a hot tub, you must place rules to ensure kids' safety in and around the water. Prevent your kids from drowning in pools by:
Always supervising their swimming sessions.
Close gates, doors, or windows that lead to the pool when not in use.
Always latch the hot tub's cover when you are not using it.
Install window and door sensors for additional safety.
Above all, constantly assess your kid's play yard for any hazards that may present themselves later. Remember to have your child play under adult supervision at all times to avoid accidents.