How chiropractic care can re-position breech babies

Prenatal Chiropractor Elliot Berlin, DC, shares advice on how chiropractors can help facilitate a breech baby's ability to turn into the right position before birth
How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Breech Babies
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How chiropractic care can re-position breech babies

Chiropractors don’t turn breech babies, but chiropractic care may help facilitate a baby’s ability to turn into the right position before birth by creating a more functional environment. During the first two trimesters, babies are constantly moving around inside the uterus. There’s lots of room and it’s part of their normal development. But during the third trimester, by 34 weeks more than 90% of babies have settled into a head down position, which is the safest position in preparation for labor and delivery. When babies don’t turn their head down, there are lots of different reasons why they may not. Structural reasons might include the cord can be really short and not give them the leeway to get into a head down position, or the cord can be wrapped around them multiple times and make it hard for them to maneuver. But there are also functional issues. The baby has a certain amount of space to move within the pelvis and by restoring motion to the pelvis and function to the pelvis, we might be able to create more space. And we’ve used these techniques since the 1970s, the Webster technique which addresses the joints and ligaments of the pelvis and my own muscular technique which restores muscle and function throughout the pelvis. We use them throughout pregnancy to create comfortable pregnancy and functional pregnancy. But after seeing as 35, 36, and 37 weeks, many women with breech babies, then their babies have enough space to turn into the right position.

Prenatal Chiropractor Elliot Berlin, DC, shares advice on how chiropractors can help facilitate a breech baby's ability to turn into the right position before birth


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Elliot Berlin, DC

Prenatal & Family Chiropractor

Ever since fate flung Dr. Elliot Berlin into the world of prenatal wellness care he has spent a dozen years discovering, perfecting and teaching techniques for improving musculoskeletal function to promote naturally comfortable and healthy pregnancy, labor and delivery. During that time, Dr. Berlin has become a passionate advocate for the preservation and restoration of informed choice in childbirth. Dr. Berlin’s informed pregnancy project is his commitment to compiling and disseminating accurate, unbiased information using every form of media to empower new and expectant parents into becoming active decision makers in their healthcare choices. Berlin Wellness Group has offices in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks and Orange County. Dr. Berlin lives with his wife, perinatal psychologist Dr. Alyssa Berlin, and their four yummy kiddies in Los Angeles.

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