The possibility of recovery from autism

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The possibility of recovery from autism

Can you cure Autism with intervention or biomedical therapies? It gets very tricky. It get's very politically controversial. There is no cure for Autism. If, for example, you went biomedical, and the symptoms all disappear; you are going to hear, it wasn't Autism. But there is this thing called recovery or indistinguishability. Where if you work. suppose your kid has Autism and he's really young; and all of the stars align, and you work really hard; you reach indistinguishability. Is that a cure? No. Your child still has Autism. That's why they call it recovery. Yes, you absolutely can get recovery.

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Val Fein

Mom of Autistic Child

Val Fein is an autism intervention specialist in private practice, a psychology PhD candidate working on her dissertation research, and the mother of a child whose diagnosis moved from autism: severe/moderate to autism: recovered/indistinguishable, after intensive early intervention.

Val is currently conducting research for her doctoral dissertation. She is investigating how expert autism-intervention practitioners describe the process of successfully establishing moments of intersubjective engagement during their early intervention sessions with children who have autism.

Val designs and oversees individualized comprehensive autism intervention programs. She teaches parents, educators, therapists, and paraprofessionals how to target recovery from autism for the children they love. She works extremely closely with each family, partnering with parents to create and maintain programs that aim to maximize joy for their child. She specializes in the moment-to-moment mechanics of effective and meaningful intervention.

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