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Teen Sports - How Should Parents Be Involved

Why Join Teen Sports ? Being involved in your teen’s activities is important – especially if it’s teen sports. Teen sports do wonders for the body, mind and spirit. Your teen will learn about good sportsmanship, develop a healthy respect for others, learn to think as part of a team without losing their individualism and feel the thrill of winning and learn to deal with the agony of defeat.
Being part of team, win or lose, can contribute in a variety of other ways in your teen’s social and mental development. They develop an individual sense of worth as a contributing member of the team and a sense of achievement when the team wins. They all win!  If the team loses, they strive to make their team better, with the anticipation of winning the next round. They learn to take one on the chin and move past it.  Being involved in teen sports keeps your teen stimulated and interested in achieving something other than academics, preparing them to enter them real world where competition can be brutal. The bonus: it keeps them away from ... Read more

Licensed psychologist and industry visionary Michael Gervais, PhD, explains the art of coaching and what coaching kids can bring into your life
High Performance Psychologist Michael Gervais, PhD explains how being focused solely on achievement can be damaging to kids
Nationally recognized author and psychologist for top athletes, Michael Gervais, PhD, shares the core elements of top level performance and how to achieve your greatest... read more
Pros and Cons of Youth Sports
Kids in the House
Sports and phsycial activity might not be your teenager's first priority. Your son or daughter might be more interested in their social life or other acitivites. read more
Former captain of the US Women's National Team and Olympic gold medalist Julie Foudy explains her unique experiences playing sports as she grew up and what her parents... read more
Olympic gold medalist and Women's Soccer National team captain Julie Foudy talks about the pros and cons of early specialization in sports and why playing a bunch of... read more
Olympic gold medalist Julie Foudy has had an amazing career helping youth get involved in sports and healthy physical activity. Watch this video shares advice on helping... read more
National women's soccer captain and olympian Julie Foudy shares advice for how to be a good team leader.
Julie Foudy, Olympian and Women's National Soccer team captain, shares great advice for coaches to deal with chaotic parents on the sidelines. Watch this video to get... read more
Founder of the Julie Foudy Sports Leadership Academy, Julie Foudy explains how parents can best support their kids who are playing sports.
Does your child like playing sports? Could they be the next Lebron James or Serena Williams? We gathered some of our best sports experts to help answer all of your... read more
How can sports build confidence for kids? Professional women's soccer player, Julie Foudy, explains what sports can do to help boost kid's confidence levels.
John O'Sullivan, Founder of Changing The Game Project, shares advice for kids, parents, and coaches during try-outs. Find out more about how parents and coaches can help... read more
Founder of Changing The Game Project and professional athlete and coach, John O'Sullivan, explains how to have a positive conversation on the ride back home from a game... read more
Cultivating team spirit and good sportsmanship in youth team sports is extremely important to create a positive environment. John O'Sullivan, professional coach and... read more
John O'Sullivan, Founder of Changing The Game Project and former professional athlete, shares advice on what to do if you have a child who is talented in sports and how... read more
Is your child close to becoming a sports prodigy? John O'Sullivan has committed his career to helping parents, coaches, and kids get involved in positive youth... read more
John O'Sullivan, Founder of Changing The Game Project, shares advice on how to support a talented child athlete while still keeping them open and respectful about other... read more
Once a professional athlete himself, John O'Sullivan explains some important steps in helping your child train to become a professional athlete. This video adds some... read more
Your child wanting to quit a sport may be an unexpected or difficult situation. Watch this video for great advice from John O'Sullivan, founder of Changing The Game... read more
Coaches might find it difficult to manage problem kids on the team. Advanced licensed coach and technical director, John O'Sullivan, shares great tips for coaches... read more
John O'Sullivan, Founder of Changing The Game Project, shares advice on how much time should be devoted to your child's sport.
John O'Sullivan, founder of Changing The Game Project, gives parents a greater understanding on the important mindsets that help children succeed in sports and athletics.
What should you say to your child after a game? John O'Sullivan, professional athlete and sports experts shares the five most important words that any parent can say to... read more
John O'Sullivan, Founder of Changing The Game Project, guides parents through the challenges of their children moving to upper level sports.
Do you know a parent who has a hard time controlling themselves at children's sporting events? John O'Sullivan, Founder of Changing The Game Project, tells parents... read more
Is early sports specialization harmful? Sports educator and professional athlete John O'Sullivan shares great information about knowing if sports specialization is right... read more
How can you be an amazing coach? Expert John O'Sullivan tells you exactly what you need to know in order to become an excellent and supportive sports coach.
Learn everything you need to know about college recruiting for sports from professional athlete and sports educator John O'Sullivan.
Sports educator, John O'Sullivan explains what coaches can do when a parent on the sideline is distracting or loud.
Sports expert and educator,John O'Sullivan, explains how parents can maintain healthy relationships with their children while simultaneously being a coach and a parent.
John O'Sullivan, founder of Changing The Game Project, a youth sports organization gives you the sporting advice that parents wish they had.
Learn more about the changing the culture of competitive youth sports, as explained by sports expert and educator John O'Sullivan.
John O'Sullivan, sports educator and founder of community sports organization, helps parents understand how to make sure they are not being too tough on their kids when... read more
Expert sports educator John O'Sullivan shares some of the possible benefits of early specialization for children in different types of sports and activities.
How can you help your children find the the mental key to optimal athletic performance? Professional athlete himself, John O'Sullivan, explains how parents and coaches... read more
With so much expertise in both playing and coaching sports, John O'Sullivan helps parents understand how to teach their children to set appropriate athletic goals.
The pressure for athletes to gain or lose weight can be extremely overbearing. John O'Sullivan, professional athlete and founder of The Changing Game Project explains... read more
Kids in the House
If your child is participating in a high school sport, you may be able to benefit from an athletic scholarship when it is time for college.
Celebrity trainer and widely known athlete Owen McKibbin shares everything there is to know about what can kids learn from singular and team sports.
High Performance Psychologist Michael Gervais, PhD, explains the various ways that playing sports benefit children as they grow and get older.
High Performance Psychologist Michael Gervais, PhD explains the pitfalls of pursuing elite performance
Performance Psychologist Michael Gervais, PhD talks about Coach Caroll of the Seattle Seahawks, and how the team uses positive self-talk to give them a competitive edge
Michael Gervais, PhD talks about the process of working with an elite athlete
Performance Psychologist Michael Gervais, PhD talks about the mental tools necessary to improve your performance in high pressure situations
Brandon Capaletti
Team sports are an integral piece of American childhood.
Watch this video for more information about college application tips and the importance of extracurricular activities from Upper School Director and educator Robert K.... read more
Upper school director Robert K. Cooke, MEd's explains how your gifted child can work through the college application process to highlight their special talents.
Widely known filmmaker and social justice activist Jennifer Siebel Newsom, MBA talks about the positive effects of sports on girls and how athletics can build positive... read more
Expert nutritionist Del Millers, PhD, talks about the benefits of sports, martial arts and other athletic activities for children as they grow and develop.

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