Why curfews are important for teens

Learn about: Why curfews are important for teens from Michael Dennis, PhD,...
Why curfews are important for teens | Kids in the House
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Why curfews are important for teens

Curfews are an important tool in helping to manage a teen and keep them away from risky situations. The reality is that, as the night goes on, most parents have gone home and even gone to bed. There are less adults out. The adults and children that are out are more likely to be using alcohol and drugs. If a child is out past curfew, they are often in places or parties in groups of people that are engaged in risky behaviors. There's nothing magic about it, but those are situations with less supervision, more other people using and direct access. They are at risk for being able to use and/or using to the point of getting in a dangerous situation in terms of sexual risk, being in a car with a driver being intoxicated, getting into a fight, and a variety of other things. Therefore, it's important for parents to come up with clear boundaries about when kids need to be home and to make sure that those kids follow those boundaries.

Learn about: Why curfews are important for teens from Michael Dennis, PhD,...


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Michael Dennis, PhD


Michael Dennis, PhD, is a senior research psychologist and Director of the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN) coordinating center at Chestnut Health Systems in Normal, Illinois. Over the past 25 years his primary area of research has been to better understand and manage addiction and recovery over the life course. This includes multiple clinical trials to compare the effectiveness of adolescent treatment approaches and recovery support services, longitudinal studies with adolescents, adults and older adults to understand the predictors of entering and sustaining recovery, and creating the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN) coordinating center for teaching evidenced based assessment to support clinical decision making at the individual level and program evaluation. He has multiple awards for moving the field from science to practice, promoting diversity through practice based evidence and bringing more people into the field.

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