Video Games Videos
Yalda Uhls, MBA, PhD, Regional Director of Common Sense Media, shares advice for parents on how video games, when regulated, can have benefits on their children
As parents, how do you stay relevant in the digital age and how do you deal with your kids’ constant consumption of digital media?
Help Your Child to Overcome Negative Impact of Video Games
It's obvious video games are having a negative impact on your child's life. Back in the good old days... read more
Watch Michael Pritchard's video on School shootings, violent video games & bullying today...
See Caroline Knorr's video on The best video games for girls...
See Caroline Knorr's video on Alternatives for violent video games...
Lori Getz, MA Technology Expert shares advice for parents on the most important things to consider in order to keep you child safe when gaming with strangers
Watch Michael J. Bradley, EdD's video on Video game guidelines for teens...
View Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT 's video on Allowing kids to use portable versus console gaming systems...
See Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT 's video on Violence in video games...
Watch Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT 's video on When to seek help for video game addiction...
Watch Video: Treatment for video game addiction by Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT , ...
View Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT 's video on Setting limits for video game usage...
Watch Video: What parents should know about boys and video games by Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT , ...
Learn about: How video game addiction affects boys versus girls from Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT ,...
See Mary Kay Hoal's video on Keeping kids safe with online gaming...
See Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT 's video on The benefits of video games...
View Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT 's video on Preventing video game addiction in kids and teens...
View Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT 's video on Other addictions related to video games...
Watch Lori Getz, M.A.'s video on When video games interfere with family time...
See Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT 's video on Why parents need to be careful about video game usage...
See Rick Meeves, PhD, LMFT 's video on Reducing video game use in kids and teens...
Watch Video: Gambling and video game addiction by Dan Cronin, LISAC, CADAC, CAS, CCS, ...
Watch Douglas Green, MFT's video on Pros and cons of video games...
Watch Jane M. Healy, PhD's video on How video games are physiologically addictive...
Family Counselor & Author Michael Gurian, MFA, shares advice for parents on how video games affect children during puberty and the development of their brains
Michael Gurian, MFA, CMHC Family Counselor, explains for parents what it is about video games that makes boys' brains love playing them so much
See John Ratey, MD's video on Can interactive video games benefit a child's health?...
Learn about: Are video games good or bad for children? from John Ratey, MD,...
Learn about: Video games and learning from Judy Willis, MD, MEd,...
Learn about: Limiting how much exposure to media boys have from Will Courtenay, PhD,...
Learn about: Managing video game use from Jonathon Fishman,...
View Cara Natterson, MD's video on The social and physical video game experience...