Divorce and dealing with anger

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Divorce and dealing with anger

Anger is one of the most prominent emotions I see clients dealing with in my practice and it's one of the most difficult to get over. You need to understand what's driving your anger. Anger tends to be a secondary emotion driven by hurt, sadness, guilt, loss, frustration. If you can understand what's driving it, then you're better able to manage your anger. One of the things you need to remember is how your anger and hostility affects your children. Feelings are like currents. Children pick up on your anger. And if children are guarding against parents' angry or hostile feelings, that doesn't give them the capability to learn what am I feeling? What's going on with me? And they're not able to separate their internal voice, what am I feeling, from the external influences. A client once told me a mantra that she used to get over the anger she felt towards her ex-husband was that someone once told her love your children more than you hate your ex.

Watch Video: Divorce and dealing with anger by Katherine Sellwood, PsyD, ...


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Katherine Sellwood, PsyD


Dr. Katherine Sellwood is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Encino, California, who specializes in child, adult and forensic family psychology. She began her Master's Degree training at Pepperdine University, continuing her education at C.S.P.P. to obtain a Doctoral Degree in the field of Clinical Psychology. Since entering the field in 1996, Dr. Sellwood has garnered a diverse professional background that includes working as an elementary and middle school counselor, college and regional center disabilities specialist, executive director of a non-profit organization in psychology, consulting psychologist at hospitals and in-patient medical facilities, and an academic Professor of Psychology at several graduate schools. Dr. Sellwood has been a guest lecturer presenting topics that include: anger management, early childhood development, play therapy techniques, taking a stand against teenage violence, developing resilience, treating children of divorce, loss and grief, adolescent girls and disordered body images, understanding behavioral difficulties.

Dr. Sellwood holds a license in clinical psychology through the state of California. She is on the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, and is a Diplomate with the American Board of Professional Psychology. Her professional affiliations also include The American Psychological Association, The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, and The American Academy of Clinical Psychology. She has received professional honors and recognition through the Psy Chi National Honor Society of Psychology, the California Senate for excellence in school counseling, student nominated Who’s Who of America’s Teachers, and peer nominated Sierra Tucson’s Gratitude for Giving.

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