Managing extreme emotions

Shari Simpson, Parenting Blogger & Comedy Writer, shares advice for parents on the best way to help manage your child's extreme emotions and help keep him or her in the middle
How To Manage Extreme Emotions In Children - Kids In The House
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Managing extreme emotions

You have to know your children. And my children are extremely emotional. Their highs are very high and their lows are very low. So we try to work towards a middle ground here. So we try to temper the highs with wisdom and humility. And we try to temper the lows with encouragement. Training in the practice of hope and gratitude. So we draw them towards the middle where there's a sense of stability.

Shari Simpson, Parenting Blogger & Comedy Writer, shares advice for parents on the best way to help manage your child's extreme emotions and help keep him or her in the middle


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Shari Simpson

Parenting Blogger & Comedy Writer

Shari Simpson is the mastermind behind the humor parenting blog “Earth Mother just means I’m dusty”; she also writes for NickMom, In The Powder Room, Cool Mom Picks and is the editor of Mommy Poppins New Jersey. Shari was the BlogHer 2012 Voice of the Year in humor writing and co-wrote the comedy, “Maybe Baby, It’s You” which had two successful off-Broadway runs and a Hollywood run starring Tori Spelling. Shari lives in Hoboken, New Jersey with her patient husband and three children (two humans, one pug). 

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