A mom's experience with coping with a baby who has colic

Hear how mom Juli Schneiderman overcame the challenge of dealing with babies that won't stop crying. Her firsthand advice will offer a sense of understanding and relief in a difficult situation.
A mom's experience with coping with a baby who has colic | Kids in the House
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A mom's experience with coping with a baby who has colic

It's really hard to deal with a child or an infant who cries all day long. It's so painful to watch when you know there's nothing you can do to help, but you get to a point where you go crazy. You have to take walks. You have to take shifts with family members. Go into a room and cry sometimes. You'll get through it, you do. It gets better, but it was a challenge and one of the hardest things you have to cope with. There's no way to prepare you or to explain to other people what you go throughwhen you're watching your child cry, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to comfort your child. It doesn't matter how you hold them. Everyone who came to our house had a different hold or a different pat, but nothing worked. You just have to be there for your child and whether you go on walks or you take a time out or you have someone else come in, you need to do that. It's like nothing you can explain to another person. It just sucks.
BABY, Colic

Hear how mom Juli Schneiderman overcame the challenge of dealing with babies that won't stop crying. Her firsthand advice will offer a sense of understanding and relief in a difficult situation.


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Juli Schneiderman

Stay at Home Mom

Juli is the mother of two beautiful sons – Jordan, age four, and Dailey, age one-and-a-half.  In April of 2011, her home was destroyed in a house fire which also took the life of their beloved dog. Due to the stress caused by the fire, she ended up delivering her son Dailey by emergency c-section the same night. She and her husband Josh have recently moved back in to their rebuilt home, and are healing with the help of their sons who constantly keep them laughing.

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