Using car seat toys and mirrors safely

Suzie Kim, Santa Monica Police Dept, explains why backseat mirrors are unsafe to use so you can see your baby in the car seat and how to use car seat toys for your baby safely
How To Use Car Seat Toys and Mirrors Safely -
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Using car seat toys and mirrors safely

A lot of the parents like to put the little mirrors on the backseat for their cars so that they can look at their baby in the rearview mirror while they're driving and we strongly recommend you don't do that. The reason for that is you're going to be looking at the baby and not paying attention on the road in front you and we find it a huge driver distraction. For the safety of you and your family and the safety of everybody else on the road please don't use those mirrors on the backseat. When children are about 8 top 10 weeks old they can actually focus and reach for toys a lot of parents like to hang little toys in their car seat and that's fine as long as you use a toy that's just made out of fabric with a cellophane in it so that it makes a noise that the children's like but when you hang a heavy toy or object on the car seat if the child pulls that off and hit themselves on the face then you have a whole other set of problems or they start throwing things out of the car then you can be a victim of their throwing abilities too.
PREGNANCY, Baby Gear, Car Seats, BABY

Suzie Kim, Santa Monica Police Dept, explains why backseat mirrors are unsafe to use so you can see your baby in the car seat and how to use car seat toys for your baby safely


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Suzie Kim

Crime Prevention, Santa Monica Police Dept.

Suzie Kim has spent more than five years teaching parents and caregivers how to safely install their car seat systems.  Suzie and her partner hold monthly car seat inspection events at the Santa Monica Police Department, providing education on the proper use and installation of the various types of car seats as well as sharing information on seat belts, air bags, and the proper time to switch car seat systems. She tries to fit in as many appointments as possible and has assisted parents/caregivers with over 1,500 car seat installations! Suzie has been with the Santa Monica Police Department for 14 years working in Crime Prevention and Community Relations. She serves on the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce Education Committee, YMCA Early Childhood Development Board, and as an Explorer Advisor for the Santa Monica Police Department. In her free time Suzie enjoys spending time with her four sons, swimming, travelling, and other outdoor adventures.

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