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What aren't schools teaching kids!

Posted October 7, 2020 - 10:58pm

Hi all,

My names Steve and I'm excited to be a part of your community. I'm Irish, and this place has been recommended to me by some close friends.

Full disclosure, and mods if this isn't cool just let me know, I work for an eductech company called Sedobo. We are worried about how childrens education isn't really setting them up for success, and we are building some resources to help parents.

If you guys and girls would do our survey for us, you will have a direct impact on the tools we create! We believe that parents know best!

Here is the web link for the survey, all responses are so hugely appreciated. Thank you all for your help!

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Renata Lander

I think  I have already read some of the articles and most of them said that the school doesn't teach children to think critically. My son is in the second grade, and all they do is rewrite text and play with lego. And let the second be fun, but they don't learn anything. I will support this initiative.