What did you wish you knew before baby was born?
Posted September 6, 2015 - 8:53pm
Is there anything you wished you had known before labor/birth/postpartum? Do you feel like you were prepared?
Is there anything you wished you had known before labor/birth/postpartum? Do you feel like you were prepared?
Mommy Ramblings
I don't know being the youngest of 5 and having a ton of nieces and nephews, I was always around babies, toddlers, kids. I babysat all the time for them and so I can't say that I had any huge-"Wish Someone Told Me That" moments. I think it is most profound for people that have not had that kind of exposure. Just my 2 cents on the subject.
I also had a lot of experience with babies and kids but breastfeeding was another story. I was not prepared for that!
I wish I had learned more about discipline. I was way too harsh in the beginning. Thank goodness my kids have forgiven me!
Oh, boy. I'm still trying to figure this one out. I tend to lean too far to one direction or the other but need to find a good balance!
Your Kid's Table
For me, it would be to not fuss over their sleep. With my oldest and even the second I would run in every time they made a noise. My third goes to sleep completely on his own and always has. It is so much easier!
Yes, sleep was a hard one for me too. With my first, trying to get him to sleep in his crib and I would end up asleep on his bedroom floor because I didn't want to just let him cry. It got easier with the next two for sure!
I've been around children always, but one thing I do wish I had listened to more is to rest when the baby does and let others help. I was so exhausted and sleep deprived!!
Accpeting help is a hard one! You feel like you should say "hey, I got this handled" but really could use a nap!
I just wish I would have slept more before my first was born. Nine and a half years later I'm still tired.
Lisa Morrison
The biggest problem was sleep, and I wish we would prepere for it faster. We couldnt deal with it. Old-fashioned methods didnt work, my child just cried, woke up all the time etc. I watched tutorials, I read books (but who has time for 200 pages). In the end, I found an ebook by Susan Urban entitled How to teach a baby to fall asleep alone - short, concise, about the HWL method. There were 4 days out and he seemed to forget about his sleeping problems...
I used the 'how to teach a baby to fall asleep alone' guide by Susan Urban, and it changed our life as parents! It helped us so much. I also think that her guide about breastfeeding prepared me for the difficult role of a breastfeeding mother. Love these short guides :) good luck everybody :)
After applying the HWL method from that guide my son started to sleep in his crib and that's my victory! Nice of you that you shared the link
One thing that i wish i knew before my baby was born, was about postpartum depression and the challenges that come with it. Taking care of yourself in the process of raising the baby is way more important. Start investing into good skincare products because my skin went through so much in the pregnancy months , and i have now switched to natural beauty products by the moms co, which i absolutely love.
PS* Noting other answers too
Renata Lander
Let me think about it. I would like to be more confident in myself and what I do, not afraid of everything in the world. Buy more toys. Read more useful articles. I wasn't prepared and I'm not sure anyone does. But there is nothing to be afraid of because you are not alone!