How to motivate your kids to exercise

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How to motivate your kids to exercise | Kids in the House
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How to motivate your kids to exercise

A great way to stay motivated is to break your day down into activities you do - brushing your teeth, for example, takes 2-3 minutes. You do that at least twice a day. When you're a child, you're forced to brush your teeth. Then it becomes a habit. So if you force yourself to move and exercise and create it as a lifestyle habit, whether it's 15-20-30 minutes, think about it, 30 minutes is one minute, 30 minutes. And even if it's just 12 minutes, 3 times a day, that's 36 minutes. Times that by 4-5 times a week. That all adds up. It's like putting money in a bank. Pretty soon you don't look at that balance and then you go, wow! I deposited this much. And at the end, you can actually live off the interest. I've created so much muscle to fat ratio is so high that I can in essence live off the interest. Muscle burns fat when you're sleeping. So if you do resistance training and you build lean muscle you can actually burn fat while you're sleeping.

Watch Owen McKibbin's video on How to motivate your kids to exercise...


Expert Bio

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Owen McKibbin

Celebrity Trainer & Single Dad

Owen McKibbin is one of the most credible and recognizable personalities in the health and fitness world. He currently can be seen on the immensely successful infomercial “The Rack Workout” all in one gym. Owen’s exclusive “Zone Progression Training” is the break through fitness solution to get you strong, lean and ripped for life. 
OWEN was discovered while playing volleyball at the infamous Will Rodgers State Beach in Santa Monica. World famous photographer Bruce Weber shot Owen in his first job for Polo Sport/Ralph Lauren. That same month Owen also was photographed for world wide advertising campaigns for Guess Jeans with Claudia Schiffer, and Hugo Boss. Owen has gone on to be one of the most sought after and recognizable men in the business.
Born and raised in Hawaii, Owen McKibbin, the youngest in a family of eight children, is a graduate of the prestigious Punahou High School and the University of Southern California, where he majored in communications. He was Hawaii State Champion in three sports, volleyball, soccer, and canoeing. As a pro beach volleyball player, Owen achieved nationwide recognition representing the United States in a number of World Championships.
Perhaps best known for his nineteen covers of Men’s Health magazine, the world’s most popular men’s magazine, Owen has established himself as a leading voice in dialogue on health and fitness. (Each issue of Men’s Health featuring Owen has sold in excess of one million copies more than any other issue).
Owen and his fitness message have been feature by CBS News, The New York Times, People Magazine, The View, Extra TV, and Entertainment Tonight, to name a few. His informative and sexy health and fitness segments for the hit television show, Extra, helped catapult those episode’s rating to triple their normal size.
Owen has always remained in tip-top shape despite 2 major back surgeries. He was a spokesman for Bowflex for 5 years and in 2004, because of his un-paralleled level of fitness, Owen was coaxed into coming out of retirement and back onto the sand. Although he hadn’t touched a volleyball in over 10 years, he competed once again on the AVP tour for another year and a half. 
His first book, commissioned by Rodale Press, The Men’s Health Cover Model Workout, Body Sculpting Secrets of the World’s Top Fitness Model, has received praise throughout the fitness industry for its insightful and concise approach to fitness and well-being. It is currently available throughout North America, the United Kingdom, and Puerto Rico.Represented by the prestigious LA Models, Owen has appeared in major print or television campaigns for such clients as Polo by Ralph Lauren, 2x-ist, Gillette, and Hugo Boss and in. Currently Owen resides in Santa Monica California with his 12 year old son, Blaze.
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