Meet the KidsInTheHouse
17 Most Influential
Parenting Bloggers!
When it comes to parenting advice, there is no one-size-fits all. In our journey to bring a variety of parenting solutions to aspiring, expecting, new and devoted parents everywhere, we recognize the commitment others have made to creating community and making connections with one another.
kidsinthehouse celebrates the countless cyber-superheroes who dedicate their time, voices and thoughts, helping others navigate the beautiful and complicated journey of parenting.
This month, we are thrilled to honor 17 of these beloved individuals with The Parent Blogger Influencer Award.

Author & Blogger of Dad or Alive
Adrian brings out the joy and humor of being a stay-at-home Dad to his two toddlers. He is honest in his writing, and isn't afraid to tell his unexpected confessions.

Author of Minimalist Parenting
Asha is the mother of a daughter, a son, and a parenting style called “Minimalist Parenting” (which is also the name of Asha’ first book, co-authored with Christine Koh).

Blogger & Author of Zero Waste Home
Bea makes downsizing look glamorous. Back in 2006, Bea, her husband, and their two sons decided to move to a smaller house and eliminate all excess from their lives.

Mom, Blogger & Author
Our generation of parents faces a troublesome economy, but with Crystal’s help our personal finances seem far less overwhelming. We love her simple, down-home money-saving tips.

Blogger & Single Dad
A divorced, Mormon father of an adopted son starts a blog. It sounds like a pitch for a new sitcom, but it’s Dan Pearce’s life. Readers love Dan for his “everyman” persona.

Author & Founder of
What’s not to love about Denene Millner? She’s beautiful, successful, warm and brave – all traits that come through in her writing. She's a bestselling author, and journalist.

Blogger, "Mocha Dad"
There doesn’t seem to be much this dad of three can’t do. Frederick is the type of father every child deserves. His blog encourages men to get involved with their kids in realistic ways.

Blogger & Author
As half of the duo known as the Rookie Moms, Heather provides tips, product reviews, and musings on motherhood via the Rookie Mom website. She’s the co-author of "The Rookie Mom’s...

Blogger & Mom
Despite having faced unimaginable tragedy, Heather manages to approach life and parenting with tremendous spirit, resilience, honesty and humor- all reflected in her blog.

Author & Owner, Scary Mommy
Jill Smokler, aka, Scary Mommy brings out the humor, sarcasm, and confessions of motherhood. She is the author of two books and blog.

Parenting Columnist & Advocate
After experiencing a severe postpartum depression after the birth of her first child, Katherine Stone started a website called Postpartum Progress, as a way for her to reach out to others.

Mamavation Creator
At a time when the fight against obesity has reached a fever pitch, Leah Segedie presents a calm, encouraging voice of reason. Leah runs both the Mamavation and Bookieboo online communities.

Bestselling Author & Blogger
When Matt's wife died from a postpartum pulmonary embolism, he was left to raise their newborn daughter on his own. He chronicles the challenges and triumphs of being a single dad.

Mom & Blogger
Suchada blogs about exploring the full spectrum of natural parenting. She describes herself as a "home-birthing, breastfeeding, babywearing, free-ranging type of mom."

Author & Blogger,
Tsh is the founder and creative director of Simple Living Media a blog network dedicated to helping people live while throwing the word, "perfection" out the window.

Author & Blogger
Whitney began Rookie with her friend Heather after they’d both had babies and realized they had no idea what to do with their days. Now, they guide moms through motherhood.