Meet Guylaine Hubbard-Brosmer, PhD

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Meet Guylaine Hubbard-Brosmer, PhD

Hi. My name is Guylaine Hubbard-Brosmer. I'm an adoptive parent and an adoption professional. My husband and I have 2 kids through open adoption, and they have the same birth mother. And before I worked with adoptive parents and before I worked in the adoption field, I worked in the fertility field. I have a doctorate in endocronology. And my husband and I also had our own personal infertility experience that led us to adoption. But we are a happy family and love to go camping and travel, do vacations. I recently became an avid golfer as my sort of primary hobby and recently got a hole in one, so I'm very proud of that fact. And I'm a volunteer-type person. My husband and I both are, and we get involved, whether it's through church or school, or adoption and infertility. Just always have been one to get involved through community activities.
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Expert Bio

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Guylaine Hubbard-Brosmer, PhD

Adoption Expert

Guylaine has both personal and professional experience with open adoption, which gives her a very unique perspective on the topic. She and her husband are the parents of two children (young adults), whom they adopted as infants and have maintained an open adoption with their birthmother for over 20 years. Her children have the same birthmother, which is more common that one would think! This past year added to her realm of adoption experience, when her daughter gave birth to, and placed a baby for adoption. 

Guylaine was born and raised in California, and is the youngest of four siblings. She has always been the type of person to get involved and volunteer, from being a class officer in middle school and high school to serving on Boards of Directors for her children’s schools, her church, Resolve (an infertility and adoption educational organization) and other community organizations. When she is not working at her position as Southern California Branch Co-Director/Home Study Supervisor/Adoption Coordinator at the Independent Adoption Center (IAC) she enjoys spending time with friends and family, traveling, camping, playing golf,and dancing.

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