Keeping passion in your marriage after kids

Sheila Kamen, PsyD Psychologist & Sex Therapist, shares advice for parents on how to maintain the passion in your marriage after having kids
How To Keep The Passion In Your Marriage After Having Kids
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Keeping passion in your marriage after kids

After kids come into the picture, it may take some creativity and effort to keep the passion in your marriage. One of the things that you can do is to continue to grow as a person personally and sexually. And one of the ways you can do that is to change things up in your sexual relationship, so rather than doing the same old routine you and your partner are used to, surprise your partner with something new. But even better, surprise yourself so that when you look at yourself, you say wow, I can´t believe I did that. That´s something new I have never done before. Next thing would be to keep passion alive is to not take yourself too seriously. You don´t have to be the perfect sexual partner nor does your spouse or partner. And you guys can have fun and be silly and do aventurous things together in the bedroom.

Sheila Kamen, PsyD Psychologist & Sex Therapist, shares advice for parents on how to maintain the passion in your marriage after having kids


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Sheila Kamen, PsyD

Psychologist & Sex Therapist

Sheila Kamen works with individuals and couples in La Jolla, California.  She works with individuals and couples as a coach and therapist. She specializes in couples therapy, sex therapy, and relationship coaching. She also offers premarital and family building counseling. While she no longer works with children, she does help parents with issues related to children.  Sheila lives in San Diego. 

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