Alternatives to Clomid

Fertility Specialist Richard Marrs, MD, explains a few alternatives to Clomid that work to help women increase fertility and assist in conception
Alternatives To Clomid - Expert Fertility TIps
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Alternatives to Clomid

Sometimes Clomiphene doesn't work to treat the ovulation problem. In those cases, we go to the natural hormones that normally are released from the pituitary gland to regulate ovulation, and those are called gonadotropins. The hormones that we're replacing are follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, the pituitary hormones that are released for a woman to ovulate naturally. Gonadotropins are given by injection, they're a direct stimulus to the ovary, and so it's a stronger method of ovulation treatment than Clomid is. It works extremely well. The main problem with gonadotropins is you can create more than one egg to ovulate, and that's where women will have twins and triplets with these types of medicines. So you have to be careful about how much medication and the response we see by the ovaries by doing ultrasound and monitoring the ovarian response.
PREGNANCY, Fertility, Infertility

Fertility Specialist Richard Marrs, MD, explains a few alternatives to Clomid that work to help women increase fertility and assist in conception


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Richard Marrs, MD

Fertility Specialist

Dr. Richard Marrs is a board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist. He studied medicine and trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Texas before moving to Southern California to study Reproductive Endocrinology. While at the University of Southern California, he developed one of the country’s first IVF programs, which is responsible for the second IVF birth in the United States and the first birth from cryopreserved embryos in the United States in 1986. He is internationally recognized for his contributions to the development of IVF. He has published over 200 papers and books in the area of Reproductive Endocrinology and In Vitro Fertilization and is a prominent figure in the national and international infertility communities. In 1996, he published a book for couples called the Dr. Richard Marrs' Fertility Book: America's Leading Infertility Expert Tells You Everything You Need to Know About Getting Pregnant.

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