When the semen analysis is abnormal

Fertility Specialist Richard Marrs, MD, shares advice for men on what to do if your semen analysis is abnormal and the steps to take to help improve semen production or function
How To Improve Semen Production In Men - Expert Fertility TIps
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When the semen analysis is abnormal

If semen analysis is abnormal in the male, the first thing we look at is lifestyle. Does he smoke? If he does, he needs to stop. If he's using a lot of marijuana, he needs to stop. If he's doing a lot of hot tub or jacuzzi, he needs to get out of the hot tub or jacuzzi. If he's under a high-stress environment, we talk to him about trying to decrease his stress. The other things we do to improve in semen production or function is vitamin therapy. Vitamin C, 2000 milligrams a day is excellent in improving sperm motility. There are certain supplements and herbal supplements that can help in sperm production and sperm function. Bottom line is, if those things don't work and he's still subnormal in the semen profile, then we go to intrauterine insemination where we can filter out the good sperm, concentrate it, and place it into the woman's uterus at the time of ovulation.
PREGNANCY, Fertility, Infertility

Fertility Specialist Richard Marrs, MD, shares advice for men on what to do if your semen analysis is abnormal and the steps to take to help improve semen production or function


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Richard Marrs, MD

Fertility Specialist

Dr. Richard Marrs is a board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist. He studied medicine and trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Texas before moving to Southern California to study Reproductive Endocrinology. While at the University of Southern California, he developed one of the country’s first IVF programs, which is responsible for the second IVF birth in the United States and the first birth from cryopreserved embryos in the United States in 1986. He is internationally recognized for his contributions to the development of IVF. He has published over 200 papers and books in the area of Reproductive Endocrinology and In Vitro Fertilization and is a prominent figure in the national and international infertility communities. In 1996, he published a book for couples called the Dr. Richard Marrs' Fertility Book: America's Leading Infertility Expert Tells You Everything You Need to Know About Getting Pregnant.

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