Expressing anger after a miscarriage

Grief and Loss Specialist Claire Chew Gillenson, MA, shares advice for women on how to best deal with and express anger after a miscarriage
Dealing With Anger After A Miscarriage -
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Expressing anger after a miscarriage

Anger is one of the stages of grief after experiencing a loss. And a lot of times while we are able to emote other emotions as women, anger is not something that comes naturally to us and it's very important to allow those emotions to go through to heal. So some of the things you can do is kind of find a creative safe space for you in your own home so that you can let some of those angry feelings out because every one of us have them. Surround yourself with pillows in the room if you really need to, have a friend come over and support you, then punch and scream into those pillows and say all the things you weren't able to emote to anyone in public, while you were are work, or some of the feeling you weren't able to share with you friend or your partner. Other ways to do it is really be able to talk it out with a therapist, for example. Or really, just journal out those feelings and give that anger a voice. Imagine, if anger was a person sitting across from you, what are some of the things you might say to anger because you're so angry? Whatever resonates with you, I would just say do it, let those feelings of anger out so that you don't have to hang onto it anymore.
PREGNANCY, Miscarriage and Loss

Grief and Loss Specialist Claire Chew Gillenson, MA, shares advice for women on how to best deal with and express anger after a miscarriage


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Claire Chew, MA

Grief & Loss Specialist

Claire Chew is a Life Transformation/Grief Coach based in Los Angeles, serving clients locally in Southern California and globally via Skype. Her work has been featured in Marie Claire, InStyle, Martha Stewart's Living, Body + Soul, and on Good Morning America. Claire brings an integrative approach to her life coaching, melding Eastern and Western philosophies with a focus on the whole of our being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Her proven methods help empower individuals to create their own joy and happiness while moving through life transitions. Claire specializes in grief that is not part of mainstream conversations: pet loss, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, suicide and recovery. A published author, speaker and educator, she is the founder of Luxepets.

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