The benefits of getting moms a "push gift"

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The benefits of getting moms a "push gift" | Kids in the House
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The benefits of getting moms a "push gift"

What are the most important things to know about your wife post delivery? I think that you need to keep in mind that she has gone through a major physical and emotional event after carrying that baby for 9 months and being the center of everyone's attention, that attention immediately transfers to baby . I think that one of the things I did to make my wife feel that she was not forgotten and maybe a little more beautiful and sexy was something that I did not know about initially but was called a push gift and while I thought the gift was the baby, some earrings kind a went a long way with her and I think she really appreciated that.
PREGNANCY, Sex and Relationship

Watch Video: The benefits of getting moms a "push gift" by Adrian Kulp, ...


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Adrian Kulp

Author & Blogger of Dad or Alive

Adrian Kulp is a stay-at-home dad for three kids under the age of 7.  His popular blog, ‘Dad or Alive’ helped him procure a deal at Penguin Publishing, titled Dad or Alive: Confessions of an Unexpected Stay-at-home Dad.  He also writes for The Huffington Post and is preparing a comedic lecture based on his transition into fatherhood. Adrian is a former TV executive both for Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison and Chelsea Handler’s Borderline Amazing Productions, as well as the comic booker for ‘The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson’ on CBS. Adrian's feature article 'Breaking Binky' was recently published in the February 2017 issue of Parents Magazine. This spring, he was nominated for a Shorty Award in Parenting, as well as an IRIS Award for 'Dad Blog of the Year' at the annual Mom 2.0 Summit held in Orlando.

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