Helping sons to write and read

Kelley King, Educational Consultant & Author, shares advice for parents on a few fun methods they can use to help their son learn to write and read better
Raising Boys | Helping Your Son Learn To Read And Write
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Helping sons to write and read

There’s a few different ways that parents can help their sons write more and write better. One of those ways is to have their sons draw a picture first, to lay out their ideas in a visual-spatial context without the burden of trying to create words and create sentences, because that’s a lot of work. So have them story board it or create a detailed picture and then use that picture as a resource when they’re writing. Another way to support boys is to welcome their topic choice which is sometimes has aggression themes, even violence, edgy or gross kinds of things that boys want to write about and not putting judgments on those kinds of things. But really, if they want to write about a fart-detecting machine, you have a conversation about, “Whoa, and how does that work? And can you spray it in the air? And…” Especially as moms, helping with boys, boys with writing topics like that, we have to really pretend… we have to get into the mind of a boy and really talk about things like, “That’s pretty cool.” And you have to get right there on that level and encourage them in that way. I think that’s really, really important.

Kelley King, Educational Consultant & Author, shares advice for parents on a few fun methods they can use to help their son learn to write and read better


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Kelley King

Educational Consultant & Author

Kelley King has been a K-12 public school educator for over 25 years with work in the areas of school administration, gifted education and special education. Kelley is currently the Associate Director of the Gurian Institute and provides on-site and online workshops for parents and teachers internationally. Kelley is a co-author, with Michael Gurian and Kathy Stevens, of two books on education: Strategies for Teachings Boys and Girls: A Workbook for Elementary Educators and Strategies for Teaching Boys and Girls: A Workbook for Secondary Educators. Kelley finished her third book entitled Writing the Playbook, a guide for principals on creating schools that honor the unique strengths and characteristics of boys. Kelley is the mother of an 18-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter.

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