Helping girls handle the stress of a new school year

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Helping girls handle the stress of a new school year | Kids in the House
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Helping girls handle the stress of a new school year

The transition of going back to school is very difficult, especially for girls. I call September Mean Girl month, which means that everyone has sort of taken a stand, they’re coming back in after God knows what happened in June. But you know as high as an anxiety level as they may have, they do have some innate strategies up their sleeve, which they’re ready and able to enact should something sort of arise. What I would suggest is sort of inviting a friend or two of hers over, maybe just celebrate the new school year, maybe you can bake cookies or cupcakes. And you know, I think the hard part for parents is let the girls do the talking. Hover in the background and bite your tongue, but you’ll be able to observe the dynamic that goes on between them and when the girls leave, you can then start a sort of gentle debrief with your daughter to sort of get a sense of the state of the state as it were.

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Jodi Wing

Educational Activist & Author

Jodi Wing is an author, educator, and an activist for girls and women. Her debut novel is entitled 'The Art of Social War,' which she says, "is about very bad behavior and girl-on-girl crime".  It is also based on The Art of War, by Sun Tzu, a 2500-proven philosophy which is a seminal treatise on conflict resolution and problem-solving. For the past three years, she created and evolved 'The Art of Peace Club' program within LAUSD/LA's BEST after-school Enrichment Program, teaching tween girls 'how to' manage social conflict and competition in their everyday lives. Over 300+ girls have graduated to date. She does not have children herself, but she does have 28,000 of them at LA’s BEST!

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