How does diet affect the health of gums?

Periodontist Hessam Nowzari, DDS, shares advice for parents on the role that a child's diet plays in keeping their gums healthy, or increasing the likelihood of gum disease
How A Child's Diet Affects The Health Of Their Gums
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How does diet affect the health of gums?

Diet plays an important role for periodontal health. Healthy diet, healthy intake of the vitamins, calcium, phosphate are important for the health of the teeth and the periodontal tissue. But also lack of proper diet is going to have impact on the immune system, similar to stress. And as a result, the infection is going to be more powerful and the damaging impact of the viruses and the bacteria are going to be more important on the periodontal tissues.

Periodontist Hessam Nowzari, DDS, shares advice for parents on the role that a child's diet plays in keeping their gums healthy, or increasing the likelihood of gum disease


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Hessam Nowzari, DDS

Periodontist & Professor

Dr. Hessam Nowzari, DDS, PhD is the Director of Advanced Periodontics in Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC.  He graduated from the University of Brussels in Belgium, School of Dentistry, and the University of Rennes in France, with a PhD in Biology and Health Sciences. He also studied at University of Southern California, Advanced Periodontics program. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology.  He is the founder of the Taipei Academy of Rest Dentistry in Taiwan, the president of the Pan Pacific Reconstructive Annual Meetings in Taipei, and one of only two American members of the Dniepropetrovsk State Academy of Medical Sciences in Ukraine. 

Since 2002, Dr. Nowzari has served as one of the selected scientific experts on an international panel charged with assessing and ranking research proposals for the Ministry of Education and Research, section of medical engineering, in Italy and was reappointed in 2009.  He was elected to the Italian Board of Experts for evaluating medical products for patient safety and health integrity in 2004.  He is the editor of one of the leading reference publications, Aesthetic Periodontal Therapy: Periodontology 2000; is on the editorial board of Clinical Implant Dentistry & Related Research and Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry; and is a member of the review committee for Journal de Parodontologie & d'Implantologie Orale in France. Dr. Nowzari is the Producer of the movie: “The Enemy of The Smile”, the winner for the Best Short Documentary in Beverly Hills Film, TV and New Media Festival 2010 and International Family Film Festival 2011. He was awarded by the Minister of Health in Taiwan for his Global Oral Health initiatives, efforts, and his film in March 2011. 

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