How can help parents be better

Mallika Chopra explains how can help parents around the world become better.
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How can help parents be better


Mallika Chopra explains how can help parents around the world become better.


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Mallika Chopra

Author, Entrepreneur & Mom

Mallika Chopra is a mom, media entrepreneur, and published author. She is the founder of, a website focused on personal, social and global wellness. Her intent is to harness the power of social media to connect people from around the world to improve their own lives, their communities and the planet.

Her books, "100 Promises To My Baby" and "100 Questions From My Child" have been translated and sold in dozens of countries worldwide. Her varied background includes launching the Heal The World Foundation in the 1990’s with Michael Jackson, being part of the initial team to re-launch MTV in India, and serving as a Health Ambassador for the Pepsi Refresh Everything Project in the US – an initiative that gave millions of dollars to individuals, non-profits and companies to for projects in their communities. Mallika is also the founder of The Chopra Well, a premiere YouTube channel, she launched with her brother, Gotham Chopra, and father, Deepak Chopra.

Mallika’s new book, "Living With Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace and Joy" will be released in April 2015.

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