Separating the headlines from the real science

Learn about: Separating the headlines from the real science from Polly Palumbo, PhD,...
Separating the headlines from the real science | Kids in the House
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Separating the headlines from the real science

Today, parents hear about a lot of studies in the media. Sometimes these are good, very thoughtful studies; and sometimes they are not. Today's new social media values new content, especially dramatic or surprising content. It is often delivered in very short bursts, without any criticism or review or critique. This is exactly the opposite of what happens in Science and scientists work. When a new study comes out, scientists consider all previous context and content on the matter. If it jives with that research, it is reassuring and comforting. If it's a shocking or dramatic finding, they are very skeptical. What's more, because children's research, especially health studies take so long that they have to be very patient. It may take years or even decades before they have a final say on the matter.
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Learn about: Separating the headlines from the real science from Polly Palumbo, PhD,...


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Polly Palumbo, PhD


Polly Palumbo, PhD, is a former research psychologist and founder of Momma Data, a non-profit organization that tracks the parenting media and checks on the scientific evidence behind claims about children’s health and well-being. As a research consultant, she reviews and decodes studies for parents, educators, journalists and organizations. In the past she’s conducted and collaborated on numerous research projects in psychology, health and education across academia, government and the private sector and has co-authored articles in leading academic journals and texts.  As an outspoken critic of the parenting media, the only thing she enjoys better than reading a great study is debunking a bad one on her Momma Data blog. It’s her mission to flush out misinformation in the media and coach parents how to judge news and evidence about kids.      

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