Sex addiction in men vs. women

Sex addiction expert Kenneth M. Adams, PhD explains how sex addiction manifests differently in men and women
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Sex addiction in men vs. women

There could be some differences with somebody being sexually addicted depending on their gender whether they're male or female. With men, we tend to see alot more visualization, you know, pornography things that have to do with voyeuring and visualizing, so alot more stimulation with just looking and so alot of the preferences have to do with, you know, strip clubs and so forth or very nonintimate experiences, prostitution, short term affairs, and so forth. Women who have compulsive behavior sexually and romantically in general tend to be more relational in their acting out. When we say acting out, we mean being sexual outside a set of boundaries that are implied explicit or implied in a contract with another person, or violating their own values. They tend to house it within the context of multiple relationships. However, when you see women who come into treatment for sexual addiction, because of so much shame associated with the concept or the label of sex addict with a woman versus a man, she often times does not seek help until it's really bad. And so often times when women come into treatment, their problems and their consequences are as severe if not worse than the men.

Sex addiction expert Kenneth M. Adams, PhD explains how sex addiction manifests differently in men and women


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Kenneth M. Adams, PhD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Kenneth M. Adams, Ph.D., CSAT, is a Licensed Psychologist, the Clinical Director and Founder of Kenneth M. Adams and Associates in suburban Detroit, Michigan, as well as a faculty member at the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals. As previous Clinical Director for the Life Healing Center in Sante Fe, New Mexico, a residential treatment center for trauma and addiction, Dr Adams created the first inpatient program exclusively for partners of sex addicts. In addition to maintaining an active clinical practice, Dr. Adams is a national lecturer, workshop leader, and consultant in the areas of child abuse, dysfunctional family systems, and sex addiction. He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications, the books Silently Seduced and When He’s Married to Mom, as well as co-editor of Clinical Management of Sex Addiction. In 2011, Dr Adams received the “Carnes Award” for “outstanding work in the field of sexual addiction and compulsivity”. He is a certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), a CSAT supervisor, and CSAT training facilitator as well as an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) practitioner. Dr. Adams is a member of the American Psychological Association, Michigan Psychological Association, Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH), and International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP) as well as an advisory board member to SASH and IITAP, and an editorial board member of Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention. For more on Dr Adams visit


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