Comforting your Baby to sleep

How to create the right environment promoting healthy sleep habits? Parenting advice from Ali Landry.
Comforting your Baby to sleep | Kids in the House
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Comforting your Baby to sleep


How to create an environment  promoting healthy sleep habits? The lights should go dim at bath-time and the voices should be lowered. Get in habit of reading a book before bed time, also sound machine helps a lot. The sound machine really drowns out all noise and it's very very soothing for the children and it really keeps them in that deep sleep for a longer period of time, thanks to Dr. Harvey Karp. I'm now even enjoying sleeping with my sound machine and it's so great because when you travel you can sort of create that same sleep environment for them wherever you go. Travel with the sound machine, travel with the same sleep sheets, travel with their favorite little stuffed animal and you'll have no problem with sleep when traveling.

How to create the right environment promoting healthy sleep habits? Parenting advice from Ali Landry.


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