Judgment for not breastfeeding

Join Author & Blogger Jill Smokler, Parent Educator Sarah McCormick, Mom Annie Wilcox, and Bottle Up Author, Suzanne Barston as they discuss the negative judgments that can arise from not breastfeeding
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Judgment for not breastfeeding


- I think, not breastfeeding my own children was the source of the most judgment from mothers of all ages, and friends of mine, and family members of mine. I really wanted to breast feed, I couldn't, it didn't matter that I wanted to, it didn't matter that I couldn't. I shouldn't have received that judgment from anybody. I had friends threaten to breastfeed my own children because they weren't getting breast milk from me. It was horrifying and it made me feel awful, it made me feel like a complete failure.

- There's an intense amount of pressure in our society for women to breastfeed and to breastfeed for an extended period of time, but it's really important to remember that not every mom feels comfortable breastfeeding and not every baby is good at it, which can be a challenge.

- With formula feeding, I've been questioned numerous times, and having to give numerous explanations as to why I might be formula feeding. It's been very hard having to deal with people questioning that. Wondering the reasons why I might have chosen or decided to formula feed. I don't that it's anyone else's business to critique that.

- Not being able to nurse, made me feel completely inadequate as a mother. You know, we're told breast is best and babies are born to breastfeed and it's the most important thing you can do as a mother and when you can't do it, I felt like a complete failure as a mom. To punish a woman for formula feeding is just punitive and it can ultimately harm the child, because if they're not getting the support they need, then they're not gonna be a good mom and being a mother is hard enough as is. We don't need to be, you know, cat fighting and making each other feel bad for our choices.

Join Author & Blogger Jill Smokler, Parent Educator Sarah McCormick, Mom Annie Wilcox, and Bottle Up Author, Suzanne Barston as they discuss the negative judgments that can arise from not breastfeeding


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