How does menu planning save you money?

Crystal Paine, best-selling author of The Money Saving Mom's Budget, shares advice for stay at home parents on how to build there own business from home
Family Budgeting Tips - How Menu Planning Saves You Money
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How does menu planning save you money?

Menu planning is a great way to save money because it gives you a plan. And so, you know that when you go to the grocery store and you buy these items, you are actually going to have a plan for using them. And so, this keeps you from succumbing to that pizza or going through the fast food lane or getting take out. In addition, if you can plan your menu based upon what is on sale at the store and what you have on hand, you will significantly lower your grocery bill. And one way that I like to is to go to and I type in what ingredients I have on hand and it will generate a long list of all these recipes that I can make just based upon what I have on hand. And so, that is a great way to get menu items without even having to go to the store.

Crystal Paine, best-selling author of The Money Saving Mom's Budget, shares advice for stay at home parents on how to build there own business from home


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Crystal Paine

Mom, Blogger & Author

Crystal Paine is a wife, homeschool mom to three, self-proclaimed minimalist, and wannabe runner. She's the author of the bestselling book, The Money Saving Mom’s Budget and founder of, one of the top personal finance blogs on the web.

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