Tips for buying organic on a budget
Crystal Paine, Mom, Blogger & Author, shares advice for parents on how they can buy organic and healthy foods for their family on a budget
Many times people think that if you eat healthfully, you are going to spend an astronomical amount of money on your grocery budget.
That doesn't have to be the case. If you can get creative, there are so many ways that you can save money and still eat healthy, and even eat organic. For instance, if you look at, they have a listing of area places where you can get meat and dairy, often times it's organic, from local farms; and if you buy in bulk, you can get a really great deal. A lot of times, you can get them for less than you would at the local grocery store, and you are supporting local farmers.
Second, if you buy in season, you are going to get a much better deal, then if you buy out of season. Buy ahead and stick stuff in your freezer, so you will have it for the rest of the year. Third, consider buying from Farmer's Markets. Now, Farmer's Markets tend to be more expensive, so you need to check your prices and find out what is a good deal. If you go in the last 30 minutes, a lot of times they are just trying to get rid of their stuff, so you can get some great deals.
Fourthly, consider buying in bulk. Local co-ops, you can get a really great deal by buying in large quantities. You can split it up with a few of your friends or neighbors and end up getting a great deal.
Crystal Paine, Mom, Blogger & Author, shares advice for parents on how they can buy organic and healthy foods for their family on a budget
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Crystal PaineMom, Blogger & Author
Crystal Paine is a wife, homeschool mom to three, self-proclaimed minimalist, and wannabe runner. She's the author of the bestselling book, The Money Saving Mom’s Budget and founder of, one of the top personal finance blogs on the web.
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