Building a business at home
Crystal Paine, best-selling author of The Money Saving Mom's Budget, shares advice for stay at home parents on how to build there own business from home
There are so many opportunities for moms to do things from home nowadays. With the advent of the internet, there are thousands of options out there. And so consider, what are you passionate about and what are your skills? And figure out a way to meld your passions with your profession. And also consider, how much time do you have to invest? Maybe you only have an hour or two per week. That's okay. Take that time and set goals for every week and just chip away at those goals, and it's amazing what, in just an hour or two per week, you can really start getting some traction towards setting up a successful business. I recommend the book "The Other 8 Hours." There are a lot of ideas for how you can take your leftover little snipits of time and invest it in something that can produce a great income earning venture.
Crystal Paine, best-selling author of The Money Saving Mom's Budget, shares advice for stay at home parents on how to build there own business from home
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Crystal PaineMom, Blogger & Author
Crystal Paine is a wife, homeschool mom to three, self-proclaimed minimalist, and wannabe runner. She's the author of the bestselling book, The Money Saving Mom’s Budget and founder of, one of the top personal finance blogs on the web.
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